11 April 2013

Kinect Fusion with MS SDK

Recently, Microsoft updated their Kinect SDK which supports Kinect Fusion and some interaction interfaces. In this post I will introduce the minimum codes that is required for implementing Kinect Fusion with the Kinect SDK.
Before the code, I'd like to start with an overview of process pipeline for Kinect Fustion. Here is a image from MS website (link):
Figure 1 Process pipeline for Kinect Fusion

In order to make use of the Kinect Fusion api, we need to include NuiKinectFusionApi.h and also link the project to KinectFusion170_32.lib. The files are located in ${Kinect_SDK DIR}/Developer Toolkit v1.7.0/inc/ and ${Kinect_SDK DIR}/Developer Toolkit v1.7.0/Lib/x86/ correspondingly.

I wrote a depthSensor class to manipulate the process more easily. Firstly, declaration of the class is:
class depthSensor
 static const int WIDTH = 640;
 static const int HEIGHT = 480;
 static const int UPDATE_WEIGHT = 10;
 int trackingErrorCount;

 INuiSensor*  mNuiSensor;
 // -- 3D volume of reconstruction
 INuiFusionReconstruction* m_pVolume;

 NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_FRAME*     m_pDepthFloatImage;
 NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_FRAME*     m_pPointCloud;
 NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_FRAME*     m_pShadedSurface;

 HANDLE   mNextDepthFrameEvent;
 HANDLE   mNextColorFrameEvent;
 HANDLE   mDepthStreamHandle;
 HANDLE   mColorStreamHandle;

 void initKinectFusion();
 void createInstance(int const kinect_index);
 void init(int const kinect_index);
 void processDepth(cv::Mat& mat);
 void processKinectFusion(const NUI_DEPTH_IMAGE_PIXEL* depthPixel, int depthPixelSize, cv::Mat& mat);
 const Matrix4& IdentityMatrix();
The most important member of the class is:
 // -- 3D volume of reconstruction
 INuiFusionReconstruction* m_pVolume;
It is the 3D volumetric integration of the scene cumulatively reconstructed by new depth data from Kinect as shown in the Figure 1.
These two member function initialise Kinect instance and setup basic status:
 void createInstance(int const kinect_index);
 void init(int const kinect_index);
At the end of the init() function, we call the initKinectFusion() which initialse the parameters and status relative to Kinect Fusion algorithm. Here is the definition of initKinectFusion():
void depthSensor::initKinectFusion()

 reconstructionParams.voxelsPerMeter = 256; // 1000mm / 256vpm = ~3.9mm/voxel
 reconstructionParams.voxelCountX = 512;  // 512 / 256vpm = 2m wide reconstruction
 reconstructionParams.voxelCountY = 384;  // Memory = 512*384*512 * 4bytes per voxel
 reconstructionParams.voxelCountZ = 512;  // Require 512MB GPU memory

 hr = NuiFusionCreateReconstruction(&reconstructionParams,
          -1, &IdentityMatrix(), &m_pVolume);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  throw std::runtime_error("NuiFusionCreateReconstruction failed.");

 // DepthFloatImage
 hr = NuiFusionCreateImageFrame(NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_TYPE_FLOAT, WIDTH, HEIGHT, nullptr, &m_pDepthFloatImage);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  throw std::runtime_error("NuiFusionCreateImageFrame failed (Float).");

 // PointCloud
 hr = NuiFusionCreateImageFrame(NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_TYPE_POINT_CLOUD, WIDTH, HEIGHT, nullptr, &m_pPointCloud);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  throw std::runtime_error("NuiFusionCreateImageFrame failed (PointCloud).");

 // ShadedSurface
 hr = NuiFusionCreateImageFrame(NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR, WIDTH, HEIGHT, nullptr, &m_pShadedSurface);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  throw std::runtime_error("NuiFusionCreateImageFrame failed (Color).");

 m_pVolume->ResetReconstruction( &IdentityMatrix(), nullptr);
Within the function, we need to setup the volume's parameters, like the size and resolution. Depends on the memory available on GPU, size and number of voxel can be set for higher or lower spacial resolution. There are three kind of data will be produced through the Kinect Fusion process. The depth float image contains the depth data from the Kinect in float format. From the depth data, we can create point cloud data. The shaded surface image shows ray-casting shaded surface of the volume at current camera position. The following codes show the process from depth image to volume reconstruction and ray-casting image for visualisation.
void depthSensor::processKinectFusion( const NUI_DEPTH_IMAGE_PIXEL* depthPixel, int depthPixelSize, cv::Mat& mat ) 
 // Depth pixel (mm) to float depth (m)
 HRESULT hr = NuiFusionDepthToDepthFloatFrame( depthPixel, WIDTH, HEIGHT, m_pDepthFloatImage,
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
  throw std::runtime_error( "::NuiFusionDepthToDepthFloatFrame failed." );

 // Update volume based on new depth frame
 Matrix4 worldToCameraTransform;
 m_pVolume->GetCurrentWorldToCameraTransform( &worldToCameraTransform );
 hr = m_pVolume->IntegrateFrame(m_pDepthFloatImage, UPDATE_WEIGHT, &worldToCameraTransform);
  hr = m_pVolume->ProcessFrame( m_pDepthFloatImage, NUI_FUSION_DEFAULT_ALIGN_ITERATION_COUNT,
   UPDATE_WEIGHT, &worldToCameraTransform );
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
   // If tracking is failed, count it
   // Reconstruction will be reset it enough number of failed has achieved
   if ( trackingErrorCount >= 100 ) {
    trackingErrorCount = 0;
    m_pVolume->ResetReconstruction( &IdentityMatrix(), nullptr );

 // Get PointCloud from the volume
 hr = m_pVolume->CalculatePointCloud( m_pPointCloud, &worldToCameraTransform );
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
  throw std::runtime_error( "CalculatePointCloud failed." );

 // Ray-casting shaded PointCloud based on current camera pose
 hr = ::NuiFusionShadePointCloud( m_pPointCloud, &worldToCameraTransform,
  nullptr, m_pShadedSurface, nullptr );
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
  throw std::runtime_error( "::NuiFusionShadePointCloud failed." );

 // Get 2D frame to be shown
 INuiFrameTexture * pShadedImageTexture = m_pShadedSurface->pFrameTexture;
 NUI_LOCKED_RECT ShadedLockedRect;
 hr = pShadedImageTexture->LockRect(0, &ShadedLockedRect, nullptr, 0);
 if (FAILED(hr)) {
  throw std::runtime_error( "LockRect failed." );

 mat = cv::Mat( HEIGHT, WIDTH, CV_8UC4, ShadedLockedRect.pBits );

 // We're done with the texture so unlock it
At each frame, the camera pose is tracked so that new point cloud can be integrated into current volume correctly. If the camera is static, then we don't need to track camera position and the transformation matrix is set to identity.

Full code download: depthSensor.cpp; depthSensor.h


  1. Am I right that the code in the files you provide for download is different from the one in the text?

    1. Yes, sorry about that as it is a platform for me and my supervisor and I didn't expect someone else would see it. I uploaded a new file with same name which replace the file in this post. If you want the deleted file I can give you. Thank you.

  2. I am getting an error that is KinectFusion170_32.dll is missing although it is there in Redist folder. How can I link it with my current project?

    1. Not sure if I understand your question, but in order to link a library in your project you need to: 1) Specify include directory which contains header file (.h); 2) Specify directory and name of static library file (.lib) in you IDE; 3) Set system variable which indicates where the dll file(s) are located. You can Google the system variable setting and don't forget to restart in order to activate the setting. If you don't want to edit the system variable, you can also copy and paste the needed dll files to the system32 (32bit Windows) folder which is already set as system variable by default.
      Hope this helps, thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I don't understand your main.cpp. How do you run the class in main.cpp?

    1. Sorry about the confusion. As I mentioned in previous comment, I uploaded a main.cpp in another post which replaced the one for Kinect Fusion. I will update a correct file tomorrow. However, it should be straightforward to use the class if you have understood it (just 2 lines of code). Thanks for your attention!

  4. Have you worked with KinectFusionExplorer?
    Do you know what do we need to create a mesh?
    Or what are the settings that should be prepared before calling calculateMesh() method.


    1. Sorry Mariam, it has been a while since I tried the Kinect Fusion. I am not working on it now so may not be able to give you much help. But the source code provided at the end of this post should give you a starting point.

  5. Hi great post thank you. However I have a particular problem and I want to access the point cloud buffer and the surface normals. How is the NUI_FUSION_IMAGE_TYPE_POINT_CLOUD stored in memory? what is the structure and how do I access the XYZ coordinates and normals in my code? Any help will be highly appreciated.

  6. Getting an error:
    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: struct _Matrix4 const & __thiscall depthSensor::IdentityMatrix(void)"

    Can you tell me where is the error coming from?

    1. I have found the problem. The IdentityMatrix function definition should be inside depthSensor class as it was declared so.
